Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Flex line chart/series: Broken/discontinuous lines

If it appears as a bug, check your dataProvider. You might have data points outside the range of Y-Axis.

If you have to live with the faulty data, then disable the filterData property of the series.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unable to drag formula cell in Microsoft Excell

Go to: Tools > Options > Edit [Tab] and tick "Allow cell drag and drop"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How to check sql version in Microsoft SQL Server?

select @@version

How to increase console output in Eclipse?

Go to Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Console
Uncheck "Limit Console Output" or set console buffer size.

How to prevent a flex datagrid from scrolling up when setting dataprovider?

var scrollPos:int = myGird.verticalScrollPosition;
myGrid.dataProvider = updatedDataProvider;
myGrid.verticalScrollPosition = scrollPos;